校园 & 社区合作伙伴

We know high schools 和 community organizations—as well as DU faculty 和 staff—play an important role in a student's ability to finance a DU degree. 下面, you'll find information 和 resources to help students stay on track 和 make informed decisions.



  • 主要的财政援助事实
    • 83% 满足本科生的需求
    • 84% 对本科生的资助包括Scholarships和助学金
    • $47,844 is the average need-based financial aid package for first-time, first-year students
    • 100% 获得助学金或Scholarships的学生

    > Learn more about price 和 affordability


    直接成本: 学费 $58,032
      费用 $1,308
      住房 & 食物 $17,049
      小计 $76,389
    间接成本: 书籍、课程资料、用品、 & 设备 $1,000
      运输 $1,536
      个人支出 $1,611
      贷款费用 $78
      出勤费用 $80,614


    • CSS配置文件:4842
    • FAFSA: 001371




  • 财政援助数据共享政策

    的 家庭教育记录和隐私法(FERPA) prohibits colleges 和 universities from sharing student information to third parties without the written consent of the student. This means we can only share financial aid records with Scholarships providers if the student gives explicit, written permission for us to do so through the Release of Student Records form.

  • 提交Scholarships

    To make sure the student’s account is credited before charges are due 和 to prevent the student from accruing late fees, 通过以下方式提交资金:

    • 8月1日是秋季学期
    • 十一月一日为冬季学期
    • 3月1日为春季学期
    • 5月1日是夏季学期吗

    Your Scholarships won’t credit to the student’s account until we process the funds.

    请注意,我们不会向您收取Scholarships费用. 如果您需要发票或账单, you should request that the student provide a copy of his or her account statement. 如果你需要住房账单, 书籍或其他教育费用, 你必须要求学生提供适当的文件.


    2197 S. 大学大街
    丹佛,CO 80208-9403



  • 学生奖励政策

    不同的办公室, 项目, departments 和 projects on the DU campus often wish to provide students with 奖s 和 礼物s using the funding at their disposal. Whether the purpose of these 奖s 和 礼物s is to recognize 和 reward the student achievement, 或者在有需要的时候帮助学生, the desire 和 freedom to provide them is an important part of a vibrant community. 然而, 联邦财政援助条例也要求在某些情况下, this funding is properly accounted for 和 considered when determining the total amount of financial aid that each student receives.

    如果你以奖励的形式为学生提供资金, 奖, Scholarships, 礼物, Scholarships, 等.,请提交 学生奖励申请表格. 有关此表格的更多信息,请查看我们的 实用指南,并给我们发邮件 金融援助.QC@calamariofficial.com 有问题吗?.

  • 正规赌博十大平台排行学院系Scholarships申请流程

    的 DU Departmental Scholarship 应用程序 opens for current students in February each year. 的 2023 - 24时间表 以下是各单位审查和选择Scholarships获得者的方法. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系.

    • 3月初: 通过Zoom进行部门Scholarships颁发培训
    • 2月27日:  我校学生可申请Scholarships
    • 3月中旬: Scholarships预算发给各单位
    • 3月底: 第一次,第一年Scholarships获得者的选择截止
    • 4月7日:  Scholarships申请截止 为学生
    • 4月初:  RZASCHL开始接受教职员工Scholarships评审
    • 5月中旬: Scholarships由教职员工选择
    • 5月下旬:  Scholarships发布
    • 6月中旬:  向学生提供经济援助
  • 教育贷款机构行为准则

    的 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires institutions of higher education to develop 和 enforce a code of conduct that prohibits conflicts of interest for financial aid personnel. 符合这一要求, the 正规赌博十大平台排行 has created the following code of conduct based on the HEOA.

    其他大学员工, 军官, 和 agents with responsibilities in respect to education loans also have to comply with this policy.


    利益冲突: No employee shall have a conflict of interest with respect to any education loan or other student financial aid for which the employee has responsibility.

    禁止收入分享安排: 的 University shall not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender or other vendor working with any of it's financial aid offices. 的 University shall not accept any fee or other material benefit in exchange for recommending a lender to its students.

    礼品禁令: No University officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall solicit or accept a 礼物 (e.g., 服务的礼物, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭, 提供购票, 预付款, or reimbursement) having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount from a lender, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商.

    禁止的承包安排: No University officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall accept from any lender or lender affiliate any payment or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to a lender.

    I与借款人的互动: 的 University shall not automatically assign a particular lender to any borrower, 和 shall not refuse to certify or delay certification of any loan based on the lender or guarantee agency selected.

    禁止为私人贷款提供资金: 的 University shall not request or accept from any lender an offer of funds to be used for private education loans in exchange for the University providing the lender with a specified number or volume of federal loans made or in exchange for placement on a preferred lender list.

    合作品牌: 的 University prohibits any private educational lender from using the University's name, 徽章和标志以及任何文字, 图片, or symbols associated with the University to imply endorsement of private education loans by that lender.

    禁止人员协助: 的 University shall not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing. 银行, 然而, 是否可以为财政援助管理人员提供专业发展培训, 向借款人提供教育咨询材料, 或者在州或联邦宣布的自然灾害中提供援助.

    咨询委员会协助: All employees with financial aid responsibilities shall be prohibited from receiving anything of value from a lender or 担保人 in return for service on its advisory board. Reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with such service, 然而, 是允许的.


